Aloha Essences Ancient Forest

the All Holy is invoked as Heavenly Mother, who holds the Son of God in her arms and under whose protection the whole of humanity finds refuge, with the very ancient prayer, "We shelter under your protection, Holy Mother of God: despise not our petitions in our needs, but deliver us from every danger, .... This because she is mysteriously related in the order of the hypostatic union with the Blessed Trinity, with Him who is in essence the Infinite Majesty, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. aloha essences ancient forest 1.Alaskan Flower Essence Project, Alaska. Flowers, Gem Elixirs, Environmental, Research Essences. 2.Aloha Essences, Hawaii. 3.Amber Waves, California. 4.Ancient Forest Essences -. 5.Ascension Essences, California. 6.
美國USA. Aaskan Flower Essence Project, Alaska. Flowers, Gem Elixirs, Environmental, Research Essence. Aloha Essences, Hawaii. Amber Waves, California. Ancient Forest Essences. Ascension Essences, California.
Joy`s main teacher was Kahuna La`au Lapa`au, Morrnah Simeona (1913-1992) one of Hawaii`s greatest Kahuna and sharers of ancient knowledge. Her main teachings were about Ho`oponopono, restoring aloha & harmony with yourself and your family. She also ... How are your flower essences prepared? “In the early morning as we gather the freshly opened flower blossoms, we always ask for permission from the plant and from the forest or area where it is growing.
the All Holy is invoked as Heavenly Mother, who holds the Son of God in her arms and under whose protection the whole of humanity finds refuge, with the very ancient prayer, "We shelter under your protection, Holy Mother of God: despise not our petitions in our needs, but deliver us from every danger, .... This because she is mysteriously related in the order of the hypostatic union with the Blessed Trinity, with Him who is in essence the Infinite Majesty, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
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